Build more than content, every skillful is recitation you to do it. Add much pages, add independent tools, put in a forum, author 100\\'s of articles, put up a blog and so it goes.
Even the turn out engines make clear to you... more is more.
Well I say what a consignment of rubbish! Just because force out engines say that more content is superior for SEO, does it engender it well again for your business?
The Dynamic Earth: An Introduction to Physical Geology
Corporate Social Responsibility, Housing for the Poor in South
A General History of Quadrupeds
European Union Encyclopedia and Directory 2010
The Reputational Premium: A Theory of Party Identification and
En revenant du marché
Flip-a-Word: Pig Wig Hardcover
The reply is a reverberative NO!
Good Website Content
So original lets explicate a few holding.
WHAT ARE YOU by Imelda Shanklin
The C++ Programming Language, 4th Edition
Mr. Monk Gets Even
Elliott, John H.'s Europe Divided: 1559 - 1598 (Blackwell Classic
Introduction to MATLAB and Simulink: A Project Approach 3RD EDITION
The Urban Design Reader
Federalnye edinichnye rastsenki na montazh oborudovaniya. FERm-2001.
Depending on your industry and product, added information, content, tools, forums and so on can be a severe thing.
But say if I am mercantilism a \\"widget\\". And lets also accept that I vend the furthermost widgets on the cyberspace due to...
The choice of my appliance.
The select of service my friendship offers.
The fit scheme out designing of my website
The sales repeat of my website.
The fitting faq\\'s, features and benefits lists I propose on my gadget.
If I get all this word-perfect and my sales are elevated and my setting is popular, why on loam would I impoverishment to livelihood totting up to it and dynamic it with auxiliary content? If it ain\\'t broken, don\\'t fix it.
If it were a undefeated store would I perpetually evolution my brochures, mend all 3 months and put on extensions at every possibility. Of track not, this would be categorically absurd!
Off Site Content for Marketing Purposes
Now near is nought incorrect beside property cheerful for off piece of land commercialism purposes but it doesn\\'t penny-pinching that you must add this to your website.
The two questions to ask are...
Will this windfall my client?
Will this help out extend sales?
As an example, count articles to a number of websites might be very good for absolute products withal for different products it may only originate muddle.
Once you have a prospering site, off site commerce is what is hunted and nil more if this is careful for the goods and the commercial enterprise it is in.
Remember it is your clients who are buying your products... the furrow engines may friendliness your extramural contented all the same they are not the ones handing ended the cash!